But i'm not looking for the serial numbers of fake currencies. I'm actually looking for plane model numbers on them. Back in school days when i had started the habit of collecting coins and stamps and notes,i used to look out for my birth year. But as my interests with planes started to grow, this strange habit has started too :)
So the magic numbers that we are looking for are 707, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, 787 which are planes from Boeing and 319, 320, 321, 330, 340, 350, 380 which are planes from Airbus or a combination of these numbers in the six digits that follow the series number in currencies.
Here you can see a picture of a few notes of my collection. And 15F is for JSF(Joint Strike Fighter)of the USAF. THe way 1 is printed, it looks like J written in some stylish font from a distance.

I even have a note of 1AF series that looks like IAF(Indian Air Force) ! Anything and everything related to planes, i try to collect it.

The JET Note Story !
I had this one ten rupee note that i valued more than it is actually worth. It was an 1ET series note. That looked like JET..it was my most priced possession amongst all the notes i had. I used to flaunt it in front of my cousins and made them jealous that they did not have a note that had JET written on it !!
Fate it seems, i managed to lose it. I dont know how i lost it. One fine day i just could'nt find that note in my purse.Then i learnt it the hard way that i should not carry my priced possessions with me all the time.Every single day after that incident, i've been anxiously checking every note to find that series again. There are a lakh notes of that 1ET series and i'm surprised why i am not able to find just one more note so that i can flaunt it again. I'd be very happy if any one of you people have a note of that series. So please check your currencies and then you know what to do !!
interesting one buddy!! u truely plane fanatic!!
ReplyDeleteCalling planes ur "passion" is certainly an understatement ,i guess it is much more than that.Truly, a unique habbit :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jayu. Fanatic is also an understatement :) good one :) liked the jet note story. I hope i can find you one of those.
ReplyDeleteSo sad about that JET note . . By what maneuver you lost that pricey currency ? ? . . And if I get 1ET series I'll pass it on . .
ReplyDelete@ Navya: Thanks a lot.. and yes i am
ReplyDelete@ Jayanthi: Yes it is really a unique habit.. Thanks :)
ReplyDelete@ Sindhu: Well i'm just too much interested in planes :D Thanks a lot :)
ReplyDelete@ Kiran: I think i lost that note by the Cobra Manoeuvre, followed by a Kulbit :D :D .. hope u got what i meant by those manoeuvres :D
ReplyDeleteCongrats :) saw ur blog in bangalore mirror today :) i knew it would get published
ReplyDelete@ Sindhu: Thanks a lot Sindhu :) what u said became true :)and i will keep my promise :)
ReplyDeleteCobra maneuver followed by Kulbit ? ? . . Highly impossible because in both the maneuvers your speed will be less . . Mostly you lost the thrust :P :P :P . .
ReplyDelete@ Kiran: speed is less??? 120 knots is not a slow speed :D and no need to mention the G forces involved that might have made the note tear itself apart !!
ReplyDeleteMostly you lost the control and then crash landed in the middle of a desert . . While descending due to heat that note caught fire . . And finally you lost it . .
ReplyDeleteHuff ! !
@ Kiran: Lo, i am able to tell u ppl how to fly a plane and about all controls in it..and i am so sure that i'd never crash a plane :D
ReplyDeleteLo sorry just kiddin . .
ReplyDeleteThat was my idea how you lost that JET note . . Don feel bad . .
@ Kiran: Hey I didnt feel bad :P
ReplyDeleteNice one pal... I understand ur disappointment.
ReplyDeleteI can find u a note with JET series and can generously exchange with a 1000 rupees note(any series is fine for me) :-)
Deal or No Deal?
@ Vinay: Thanks man..
ReplyDeleteThat is MOSA lo.. charging me 100 times more for a 10 rupee note :P
Anyway its a deal :)
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